
Software Testing is easy. Even better, I think I could teach you to become one in a relatively short space of time.

I’m Jake Bennett, I an experienced Software Test Engineer who has worked for RealVNC (4 yrs) and Bromium (6.5 yrs) in Cambridge and Vega Protocol (2 yrs). In 2019 I decided to take a sabbatical to work on my own projects, which included writing my first book, “What Did You Even Do?”. The book is notionally completed (and at time of writing has been used by several would-be test engineers who are now working in the industry), but as yet remains unpublished.

I genuinely think that anybody could become a Software Tester – and a good one at that. Don’t get me wrong, Software Testing is a hell of a skill, worthy of respect, and it takes a lot of work to really become a specialist. At its core though, I really think that somebody who is starting from nothing – with the right motivation (and discipline) – could become a very good, reliable, software tester, pretty quickly.

I’ve known many people who actually didn’t set out to become software testers. In fact, a lot of them became testers by accident, found out that they really enjoyed it, and decided to stick around.

The truth is that software testing can be a lot of fun – if you like trying to break things! Couple that with salaries that can compete with Software Developers (if you are aiming for the right jobs. Spoiler alert: you should be) and the real question is, “Why wouldn’t you want to be a Software Tester?”

If you’re looking for a career change (with real long-term prospects), that you can learn in your spare time – without spending on expensive courses – Software Testing might be for you.

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